New York Polygraph Tests

Are you considering the use of a polygraph examiner
in the New York City area? Call us for a no-strings-attached
confidential talk first.
We have served the the New York area (Bronx, Manhattan, New York City, Westchester County, Rochester, etc) polygraph examinations for more than 38 years. There are many options and possibilities that we can share with you.
Perhaps you suspect that you are being cheated on or stolen from? We can help with a modern computerized polygraph exam.
Our results will not be 'inconclusive' as some less-experienced examiners might give you-- results will either
be Pass or Fail.
We have tested for more than 38 years, completing more than 13,000 polygraph examinations. Some examiners who claim to have been an examiner for '5 or 10 years' have only really done a hundred or so exams: that is really less than one year of experience stretched out over those 5 or 10 years!
So much to share with you by telephone first. New York le-detection exams from $195 and up.
Telephone us at (818) 883-6969.
If no answer, we are in an
exam and will return your call.